This spring, make some time to get in the dirt with your little sprouts! Not only will it afford you quality time together, but you will both have fun projects to start together and keep track of.
Margaret Atwood may have said it best; “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
What you may need
-A garden spot with adequate sun and space for your flowers and plants of choice.
-Gardening tools that are age appropriate and functional for your family.
-Starter plants (i.e. tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkins and melons)
-Plant food and fertilizer optional
Additional Ideas
-Rainbow Garden: plant in colors (tomatoes, carrots, beets, broccoli, greens, lettuce…)
A few tips with tomatoes: use sprouted plants, wait till no more frost in forecast, once at 10 inches tall, use support by a stake or string.
Books to read while planting
‘The Carrot Seed’ –Ruth Kraus
‘Zinnia’s Flower Garden’ – Monica Wellington
As always, enjoy your time with your kids and family!! If you have questions or wish for more guidance, make a visit (field trip!) to your local garden center and use it as a fun learning experience.
Research Sources: naturalearning.org
